Anyone who plans to volunteer work with children (ex: VBS, room parent, catechist/aide, other youth activities) must complete the five step VIRTUS, Protecting God’s Children program of which the first step is attendance at one of the "Protecting God's Children" workshop.
Attendees MUST register online to get credit for the workshop and to receive the mandatory follow-up bulletins. All classes are for those 18 years and older. Due to the topic, no children are permitted to attend.
To Register ONLINE in advance for a “Protecting God’s Children" workshop, please do the following:
1. Go to
2. Click First Time Registrant
3. Click Begin the Registration Process
4. Select Cleveland, OH (Diocese) from the dropdown menu
5. From here, locate the training location desired (by date), and complete the registration process
NOTE: If you already have a Virtus account, sign in to the Virtus site using your own ID and password, select Live Training (from the list on left side of screen) and then select the Pre-register for an upcoming live training session in your area..
Contact the Faith Formation Office at 330.264.5838 with any questions!