Weekly Message

Dear Parishioners:

1) YOU ARE INVITED to join the Knights of Columbus as they lead us in praying the rosary after the 8 am Mass this Sunday, March 30.

2) Our next Post-Mission panel discussion to continue the Mission conversation will take place this Monday, March 31 at 7pm in the Parish Hall. ALL ARE WELOME EVEN IF YOU HAVEN'T ATTEND ANY MISSION OR OTHER POST-MISSION EVENTS! 

3) Spend time with the Lord. Adorers are needed for the following times: Tuesday 1-2pm, Tuesday, 2-3pm, Tuesday, 3-4pm and Wednesday, noon-1pm

*Anyone willing to be added to the sub list would be greatly appreciated!
If you are interested, contact Jamie Durstine (330)353-0130. 

4) Next Sunday, April 6, join in fellowship, coffee and sweets after the 8 am and 11 am Masses.

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