Beloved Family:
Time to launch anew! At Saint Mary, as I am sure is true for many Catholic parishes, the past week has marked the beginning of a new academic year. On Wednesday, Fr. David, Mrs. Marvin and I delighted to extend welcome upon arrival of returning students and an exceptional number of new students and families. While there are many facets to “preparing to start,” I would like to acknowledge, once again, the outstanding efforts of Saint Mary maintenance crew all summer, led by Mr. Mark Beran.
Speaking of launching, We have also just premiered a completely redesigned parish website. After many months of effort, from parish office staff as well as other parishioners— including the superb drone work of Anthony Tarutani— we went live this past week. We believe the “new” website will prove an even more invaluable resource for current parishioners as well as seekers. Be sure to check it out!
Last Saturday’s farmer’s market and artisan fair—this being the second year for this effort—was a definite success. The weather, although a little breezy for the tents, was quite favorable. $500.00 was netted as a contribution the Society of Saint Vincent DePaul. Specifically, these funds will be directed to the purchase of items for the new Wooster Homeless Taskforce shelter which is slated to open on November 1. Clearly, while we may have experienced some “milder than usual” winters recently, the need for local housing, transitional as well as permanent, is tremendous.
On the same day as our parking lot fair, the parade marking the 175th year of the Wayne County Fair was held downtown. It gives me great joy to announce that this an historic year related to the fair in another way. Fr. David successfully secured a time and space to celebrate Mass at the fairgrounds. The Mass will take place on Sunday morning, September 8, at 7:30 in the event center. This is a wonderful addition to the Catholic presence in the fair community (namely, the Catholic of Wayne County booth and representatives at the Wayne-Holmes Right to Life booth). We will also hold to the regular Mass schedule at Saint Mary that weekend: Sat. 5 pm, Sunday 8 am, 11am (REMEMBER, this time shift occurs on September 1), and 5 pm. We will welcome back Fr. Ian Kelly as celebrant for the 8 am and 11 am Masses that day. Well done, Fr. David— I think it’s that great hat you’ve been wearing that sealed the deal!
If I might recommend…you know, we hear about places we ought not to go on social media, it’s not very helpful. I would like to encourage you to check out a podcast called Restoring the Glory. To quote the title page:
Dr. Bob Schuchts & Jake Khym, MA are Catholic therapists with over 50 years combined experience teaching and accompanying people into fuller life and freedom. They met about 12 years ago and quickly realized they were kindred spirits with a similar understanding of the value of an integrated approach to the healing journey. They both understand the keys for people to experience and live a restored life. Currently, Bob and Jake have their own ministries and are delighted to collaborate on events and conferences. They hope the Restore The Glory Podcast will be an accessible way for people to hear the good news of freedom that is available in and through Jesus Christ.
To add to this, both of these men love God and the Church, and their presentations are always firmly grounded in the CatholicTradition— spirituality and otherwise. I hope you will find nourishment therein.
Let His Peace be with you,
Fr. Stephen